Family Tree Revived

The Personal Roots , a software I use to store the family tree, has been revived. This software runs in Windows 98 and was not upgraded for the simple reason that the text printing became unavailable in later versions.
To revive it, I used a software called Virtual PC, originally developed by Connectix but is now OEMed by Microsoft. The Virtual PC allowed me run a virtual copy of Windows 98 within my WinXP Pro. Thus, I was able to run the Personal Roots. The install came not without a problem though. FoxPro, the database engine used in this program crashes on PCs faster than 333Mhz. Luckily there is still a patch made available by Microsoft and can be downloaded from Use the International Version IPatchFB.exe to upgrade the FOXW250B.ESL program.
So, please send me the details of our family tree that can be added to the following pages:
Pascual Family Tree
Austria Family Tree
Talavera Family Tree
L-R Photo : Lourdes Pascual (31), Liberty Pascual (1), Luisa Siron (?), Rommel Pascual (3). - This photo was taken just after the demise of Ruben Pascual Sr. on the 12th of Sept 1966. Luisa Siron, the oldest living relative then posed for a photo. She lived for another 4 years after this photo was taken.
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